On‑Demand CTO
- Strategy
- Leadership
- Architecting
- Scoping
- Costs optimisation
- Prototyping
- Hiring
- Remote teams
- Startups
Companies hire me for my CTO expertise in building web products and early tech startups. I provide on‑demand CTO services, offering strategic tech advice, architecture and scoping, cost optimization, and hands‑on development of prototypes and MVPs with their teams.
More about me
Full Stack Web Development
- Websites
- Web apps
- Responsive
- UI integration
- Accessibility
- Prototyping
- Database design
- Infrastructure
- Application logic
- APIs
With 15 years in the game, crafting web solutions for heavy‑hitters like Airbnb or MARS, I'm your go-to for building and leading full stack projects across any scale and budget.
See my work
Serverless, Edge and APIs
- Serverless
- Infrastructure design
- DevOps
- Edge runtimes
- Backend
- Node/TypeScript
- GraphQL
- API development
Since 2016, I've specialized in serverless infra, building and deploying performance-driven, scalable APIs with TypeScript, GraphQL, and SQL on Cloudflare Edge and AWS.
See my work